PROJECT: ExerHealth


ExerHealth is a desktop application that is created by me and another 4 Computer Science students. It enables users to track important information about their exercises and also provides other functionality such as the ability to create their own fitness regimes and the ability to provide statistical analysis of their activities. Users can also define their own properties which they wish to track for their exercises.

Below is a screenshot of our application:

Figure 1. A screenshot of ExerHealth application

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement 1: Provided a feature that allows user to define their own custom properties and remove them.

    • What it does: Users can simply add in or remove their own custom properties should they wish to keep track of extra/lesser properties for each exercise.

    • Justification: This feature provides greater flexibility among various users if they wish to include more information which they wish to track. This customisation can help users to tailor suit the app for their personal use.

    • Highlights: This feature complements well with the suggestion feature. By having custom properties, users can now produce exercise suggestions based on the custom properties they had created. Furthermore, the implementation of this feature is quite challenging as there are a few aspects to take note of: the representation of custom properties in each exercise, the tracking of custom properties that have been created and storage of custom properties.

  • Minor enhancement 1: Added a viewcustom command that allows user to view the custom properties that they have defined.

  • Minor enhancement 2: Designed the centre panel UI for exercises. This design helps to display both the default and custom properties of each exercise to the user.

  • Minor enhancement 3: Added a select command that allows user to select a specific exercise/regime/schedule/suggestion which they wish to view.

  • Code contributed: [Code Contribution]

  • Other contributions:

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Updated the UI (Pull requests #129, #133)

      • Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage (Pull requests #140, #194)

      • Involved in the morphing of AddressBook to suit ExerHealth (Pull requests #13)

    • Community:

      • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #81, #103

      • Reviewed and provided suggestions for individuals in the class: #86, #229,

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Custom properties custom / viewcustom

Adding custom properties: custom

Adds in a custom property which you can define for the exercises.

Once a new custom property is created, you can simply use the prefix name which you defined for the property in the add and edit command to include information for the new property.

  • The prefix name can only contain alphabets and should not contain spaces.

  • You must choose exactly one of the following as the parameter type for your custom property: Text, Number, Date.

  • Every word in the full name of each custom property will be changed to Start Case style, where the first letter of each word is capitalised with the other letters in lower case e.g. enD DaTe will be changed to End Date.

  • The date entered for custom properties with a DATE parameter must follow the same requirements as that of add command.

  • The text entered for custom properties with a TEXT parameter can contain only alphabets and spaces.

  • The number entered for custom properties with a NUMBER parameter must be a non-negative integer.

  • You need not include the custom properties when adding a new exercise to the app.


The following names and prefix names have been used for existing add / edit command parameters and properties and so, cannot be used.

Names used

Prefix names used


















  • custom s/r f/Rating p/Number

Creates a Rating property for each of your exercises.

Expected Result:

Figure 2. Your rating property has been created

You can now add a new exercise with Rating!

  • add t/exercise n/Dancing d/07/11/2019 c/400 q/2 u/hours r/5

Expected Result:

Figure 3. A new exercise with the remark property is added

Removing custom properties: custom

Removes a custom property which you have previously defined either from a single exercise or from ExerHealth.

In the second case, you will still be able to add back the deleted custom property if you wish to.

  • FULL_NAME denotes the name of the previously defined custom property.

  • The index, if provided, must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

Format: custom rm/FULL_NAME [i/INDEX]


  • custom rm/Rating

Before the execution, the Rating property will be present in exercises that have it.

Figure 4. A rating of 5 for exercise 6
Figure 5. A rating of 3 for exercise 7

After the execution, the Rating property will be removed from all of the exercises and the app as illustrated in the next few figures.

Figure 6. Rating in exercise 6 is removed
Figure 7. Rating in exercise 7 is also removed

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Custom feature


A quick conversation with a few of our friends revealed that there are many properties which they intend to keep track for exercises. However, it is unlikely that we can implement all of these properties for the exercises as there may be too much overhead and we can never be certain that we have met all of the users' needs.


This feature is facilitated by both PropertyBook and CustomProperty. Whenever a user adds a newly defined custom property, a CustomProperty object will be created which is stored in PropertyBook. Its corresponding prefix and full name will be tracked by PropertyBook to avoid clashes in their uses.

Current Implementation

CustomProperty encapsulates a single custom property that the user defines. It contains information such as name, prefix and parameter type of the custom property. The parameter type is supported by an enumeration class ParameterType and is restricted to one of the following 3 types: Number, Text, Date.

PropertyBook serves as a singleton class that helps to manage all of the custom properties that have been defined by the user. This class acts as an access point for any information relating to the creation or deletion of custom properties.

To keep track of the custom properties and its relevant information, the following are used:

  1. customProperties: A set containing all of the CustomProperty objects that have been created.

  2. customPrefixes: A set containing all of the Prefix objects associated with existing custom properties.

  3. customFullNames: A set containing the full names of the existing custom properties.

  4. defaultPrefixes: A set containing all of the Prefix objects associated with default properties and parameter types.

  5. defaultFullNames: A set containing all of the full names of default properties.

Custom names and prefixes are separated from its default counterparts to ensure that the default names and prefixes will always be present when the PropertyBook is first initialised.

To help facilitate PropertyBook in its custom properties management, the following main methods are implemented:

  1. PropertyBook#isPrefixUsed(Prefix): Checks if the given prefix has been used by a default or custom property.

  2. PropertyBook#isFullNameUsed(String): Checks if the given name has been used by a default or custom property.

  3. PropertyBook#isFullNameUsedByCustomProperty(String): Checks if the given name has been used by a custom property

  4. PropertyBook#addCustomProperty(CustomProperty): Adds the new custom property. Each time a custom property is added, the prefix set in CliSyntax is also updated.

  5. PropertyBook#removeCustomProperty(CustomProperty): Removes a pre-defined custom property. Its associated prefix is also removed from the prefix set in CliSyntax.

All of the crucial associations mentioned above are summarised in the next class diagram.

Figure 8. Class diagram of the associations of PropertyBook and CustomProperty
Adding Custom Properties

To add a new custom property for the exercises, the user can do it through the command custom s/PREFIX_NAME f/FULL_NAME p/PARAMETER_TYPE. Examples include custom s/r f/Rating p/Number and custom s/ed f/Ending Date p/Date.

The following sequence diagram will illustrate how the custom operation works when a custom property is successfully added.

Figure 9. Sequence diagram of a successful addition of a custom property

For further clarity, one can identify the above diagram with the following sequence of steps:

Step 1: User first defines the custom property they wish to add for the exercises.

Step 2: The custom property will be parsed by the app’s parser and a new CustomProperty object is created.

Step 3: This CustomProperty object will be returned together with a newly created CustomAddCommand object.

Step 4: The execute method of the CustomAddCommand method will be called and the CustomProperty object will be added to PropertyBook.

Step 5: Finally, a CommandResult object will be created and returned.

The above steps illustrate the main success scenario. However, not all additions of a custom property will be successful. The next activity diagram shows the workflow when a new custom property is defined.

Figure 10. Activity diagram of the workflow when a new custom property is added

Once a custom property is successfully added into PropertyBook, the user can use the prefix of the custom property in add or edit command.

Removing Custom Properties

Should a user wish to remove a custom property from all of the exercises, he/she can simply make use of the command custom rm/FULL_NAME. A custom property that has been removed from the PropertyBook can be re-added back if the user chooses to. Alternatively, if the user wishes to remove a custom property just from a single exercise, he/she can choose to enter custom rm/FULL_NAME i/INDEX instead.

The next sequence diagram illustrates what happens when a custom property is removed from the PropertyBook. If a custom property is removed from a single exercise instead, only the selected exercise will be updated.

Figure 11. Sequence diagram of a successful removal of a custom property from all exercises

Design Considerations

Aspect: PropertyBook design
  • Choice 1 (Current choice): Represent PropertyBook as a singleton class that will act as the only access point for the addition and removal of custom properties.

    • Pros: Having a singleton helps to provide more utility for methods that rely on the CustomProperty objects that have been created.

    • Cons: It makes testing much difficult as the results from the previous test cases are carried over. Furthermore, it increases coupling across the code base.

  • Choice 2: Represent PropertyBook as a usual Java object that can be instantiated many times.

    • Pros: This reduces coupling and makes testing easier as a new PropertyBook object independent of the other tests can be created for different tests.

    • Cons: There could be situations where 2 instances of PropertyBook objects are created and the addition of a custom property is done to only one instance and not in the other.

After much consideration, Choice 1 was implemented with the following reasons:

  1. AddCommandParser and EditCommandParser have to gain access to the CustomProperty in order to ensure that the values entered for the custom properties in the add/edit commands are valid. However, as the ExerciseBookParser in the original code base only takes in a String as a parameter, there has to be another way of retrieving the custom properties. While we can change the ExerciseBookParser to take in a data structure containing CustomProperty objects, this does not seem good as its responsibility is just to ensure that a predefined command is entered and is passed to the correct command parser.A slightly better choice in this case is to make the data structure holding the CustomProperty objects a static variable and parsers that require it can access it directly.

  2. If the data structure holding the CustomProperty object is to be made static, it means that this information is shared among all of the PropertyBook instances if Choice 2 is implemented. Thus, PropertyBook is acting like a singleton and so, a singleton class will be appropriate.